Sunday, January 23, 2011

New TV

This is the story of a new tv. But first, we need to start with the story of the old tv. The old tv was purchased 4 years ago or so and it was a refurbished JVC flat screen. We were excited but then came the disappointment. Literally from the first day, the picture on the tv would shut off when it would overheat. Now, I think this is a fairly "easy" fix. Something about the capacitor etc etc. But, let's just say for the last 4 years we became used to our tv shutting off, typically at the climax of a movie or show or a final play. We started resting the tv as we watched it during commercials so that it wouldn't turn off in the middle of a show. In fact, we got so used to doing this that when we would go over friends houses, we caught ourselves trying to "rest the tv" a few times. At this point, it's freezing cold outside and our radiators are going wild. That means the tv is impossible to watch which is getting in the way of our Lost fix. Today, we had enough and went to Best Buy and purchased a 40" flat screen.

But this is where the best part is. We get home and go to put the tv together and realize we can't find the screwdriver anywhere (for the stand) while I'm holding an open bag of screws in my hand. While I start frantically looking through our drawers for the screwdriver that I know I only see when I don't need it, Nate decides he is going to go to work to get one. I go out to do my laundry and when I get back to the apartment, Nate is home. Nate says we have a problem and that the screwdriver he found isn't the right size, but the bigger problem, he explains, is that the bag of screws is missing.

Now, he knows I'm delicate and so he doesn't directly blame me. He simply says we lost them. I know I had them last so where oh where could they be? I looked absolutely everywhere and nothing. Until I realized I threw a bunch of stuff away out of the drawer with the ghost screwdriver. I start digging through our trashcan and find a small ripped open bag. I show it to Nate and ask if that was the bag with the screws. Please god don't say yes, I think. Well, he says yes. Shit. I start going through the trash and since I'm a germaphobe, I feel like I am going to die but that this is my fault and I have to recover the four missing screws. As luck would have it, I start finding them, right at the very bottom of the trash can. That's right -- not a single one was on top. But, on the bright side, I did find all four.

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