Friday, February 22, 2013

The Little Things

It's amazing how having babies makes you appreciate the little things: enjoying a glass of wine, taking a nice, long hot shower, sipping a hot cup of coffee, etc. Each of these "small" activities has become something that I savor each second of. I don't necessarily miss the way it was; I actually love how much more enjoyment I get out of it now.

Anyway, in a couple short weeks I'll be returning to work and that's a hard pill to swallow. I love working. I can't see myself staying at home to raise my babies, but I know I'm going to miss the hell out of them. Luckily, my husband is staying home with the babies for 10 weeks after I go back to work so that eases my transition slightly. After that, we're going to have to put the babies in day care which is heartbreaking but I'm kind of in denial about it.

I'm going to miss looking into my babies eyes all day, squeezing their thighs, kissing their cheeks. I love them more than anything. Time is flying by: today they are 14 weeks old.