Sunday, December 12, 2010

Rainy Sunday

My husband and I went to see "Black Swan" last night and we both loved it. I'm a huge Natalie Portman fan anyway, but this movie was so well written. Typical Darren Aronofsky: dark, captivating scenes with excellent music. Definitely not for everyone, but if you've enjoyed his other movies in the past, you'll like this one.

I decided I wanted to make chili today because it's the perfect food for a rainy Sunday. Nothing like a huge pot of chili simmering away on the stove. That is, except for a nice big bowl of chili in front of you with cheese and sour cream. This is what I just ate:

chili 003

I also put a whole chicken in the crock pot, but I unfortunately forgot to turn it on till just now. This is the first time that I have tried to make a whole chicken in the crock pot, so we'll see how it turns out.

Speaking of which, what's your favorite crock pot recipe?

1 comment:

  1. YUM! I just made your sister's Chili for the first time and it was AMAZING. The hubs literally ate the WHOLE thing in like 3 days. I think he had it for every single meal. Disturbing. My favorite crockpot recipe is this pot roast. I'll have to post it on my blog soon but here's the basics:
    2x 2lb pot roast chucks
    packet of ranch dressing (the dry kind), packet of italian dressing (also dry) and packet of brown gravy (the dry thingy). Mix all that with some water and dump it over the pot roast. In for 8 hours on low and you're going to be licking your chomps for days. I like to make it over mashed potatoes and with some asparagus. I'll post the whole thing later on bc I'm making it for Xmas dinner this year!
