Thursday, December 2, 2010

Holland Part 3

So let me tell you about the shops in Amsterdam. I think it has something to do with traveling to a foreign country and being so far from home, but when I am away, I get insatiably hungry. I need to eat and try every single food and I eat 20 meals a day instead of 3. But what would you do when you are surrounded by so many delicious and awesome storefronts?

Cheese! There were so many cheese shops. You just don't see that here.

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We basically had a chocolate croissant and cappuccino every morning. Do you blame us?

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And we couldn't stay away from the Waterleuplin (the flea market) which is outrageously closed on Sundays. You should know this so that you don't plan on going on Sunday to seriously shop, only to discover that no one is there.

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And of course we had to go to the outdoor flower market on the water, which is really an outdoor tulip bulb market when the weather gets cold it seems.

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And the back of the flower market on the water:

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I'll have to tell you how we ended up somewhere outside of Amsterdam next, only to have it turn into the coolest day trip ever. But, that deserves a post of its own.

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