Saturday, February 5, 2011


After we purchased our new tv, we realized that we also needed a new tv stand. I looked online at my favorite websites (overstock, amazon) but I just couldn't find anything I liked. We decided to go to Ikea to see if we could find something that would work. Now, I'm not a huge Ikea fan, but I have to say that I'm pleased with what we purchased considering the price.

When we got home and took everything out of the box, I was floored by the amount of pieces/parts. My husband loves a challenge and dived in. Thank god for awesome husbands, or I would probably be calling my dad for help.


And after:

I do have to say though that I regret not buying a bag of their frozen meatballs.


  1. nate is soo good! and you were good too, you didn't loose screws this time;)
