Saturday, February 5, 2011

Favorite Wine

My husband brought home my favorite bottle of wine last night. It's from Michael Pozzan Winery and it's called Annabella and is a 2009 Pinot Noir. The price is a little bit higher than what I like to pay (ok, I love $3 buck chuck from Trader Joe's) but let me tell you, this bottle is worth every penny. As a matter of fact, I'm researching how to get a case of this stuff delivered to our door at a discount because it's that good.

So what's your favorite bottle of wine? I need some suggestions. The cheaper the better because I'm cheap.


  1. oh yum!

    There are a few that I just love:
    CigarZin, Blachetto d'Acqui, Chateau Ste. Michelle (any but I love the chardonnay), Layer Cake (anything but especially Malbec). There are so many others I can't think of right now!!! AHH lol

  2. ooo, ill have to try it, i love pinot noir!!
